Newsflash: speed runs pushed back to Sunday

Given the extremely difficult weather conditions, Race Management has just announced a programme change.
Given the extremely difficult weather conditions, Race Management has just announced a programme change. Originally scheduled for Wednesday, the speed runs have now been postponed till Sunday to replace the Tour de l’île de Groix round island race. “The weather is not conducive to launching runs with guests aboard. The race zone is exposed with 25 to 28 knots gusting to over 32 knots and heavy seas. Added to that, it would be too risky to have lots of people docking in and out of port,” explains Hubert Lemonnier, Race Director.
The main event, the 48H race, which is the DNA of the Défi Azimut – Lorient Agglomération, is still scheduled to start on Thursday. Race Management will announce the details of the course tomorrow, together with any modifications required to ensure this race runs smoothly.