Xavier Macaire

Xavier caught the sailing virus from his childhood when he was with his father on his sailboat. In 2008, at the age of 27 years old, he bought the sailboat of his dreams: a pogo 2 for the solo Transat 6.50 from La Rochelle to Bahia in Brazil. He finished in third place. With this pogo 2, Xavier participates in 9 races, has 6 victories, 2 podiums and a 12th place under jury-rig, following a dismasting. With this success in mind, he began in 2011 to take part to the professional Figaro circuit. From then on, he took part to the highly disputed Solitaire du Figaro. He has already been on the podium twice and was crowned «Champion de France élite de course au large en solitaire» in 2015..

His zeal earned him the nickname of «Young Wild Boar». When «Voiles et Voiliers» speaks of Xavier, it is in these terms: «A discreet sailor, brilliant and ambitious, that we imagine very well on the Vendée Globe in 2020.»

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